Performance: Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT), Gray-healings-Grey-bodies, 2021
crazinisT artisT studiO and perfocraZe International Artist Residency (Kumasi, Ghana) in collaboration with Inventory Platform (London, UK) are inviting applications from Visual artists, Musicians/Music Bands and Cook/food Artist
Call description:
‘Where I’m Coming From’ (WICF), a month-long digital programme for four different indigenous languages organised by Inventory Platform (London, UK). As part of its international collaboration, crazinisT artisT studiO (Kumasi, Ghana) will host and curate the Ewe session facilitated by Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (founder and artistic director of perfocraZe International Artists Residency). The Ewe session dedicated to the Ewe ethnic group in Ghana will last for one week in October showcasing all the selected projects that shall be developed for the WICF digital programme.
Visual artist (digital presentation)
- The artists must be an Ewe by Ethnicity, able to speak Ewe and English.
- The Artist shall develop a new body of work influenced or inspired by their ethnicity, language, tradition or history.
- Priority will be given to queer persons but we encourage every interested person to APPLY regardless of their gender and sexuality.
- Interested persons should submit a proposal including the medium, location, duration (video and moving images should not be more than 15min)
- Selected Artist will receive a fee of GHC2500 (all inclusive)
- NOTE: Only one proposal will be selected (the earlier the higher your chances).
Ewe Musician or Ewe Music Band
- The musician shall present a live (virtual) music concert in October as part of the event.
- Selected applicants will receive a fee of GHC4,000 (all inclusive)
Ewe Cook
- The cook shall be invited to prepare a local or an indigenous Ewe dish.
- The cook shall share their personal relationship or experience with the particular meal that they may choose in order for the general audience to learn about the Ewe cultural cuisine.
- The cook shall be responsible for all expenses and cooking ingredients out of the fee offered
- The meal prepared shall be served as lunch or dinner with the local community between the total number of 15 and 30 participants.
- Selected applicants will receive a fee of GHC2500 (all inclusive)
Translator (No Vacancy)
The translator shall translate the bio, proposal, artists statement into Ewe and performance languages, interviews or oral arts from Ewe into English.
- 13th July: Open call
- 30th July: Deadline for Application
- 1st August: Successful applicants announced
- 2nd August to 30th August: Artists shall work independently on their projects (NOTE: each week curators may call or visit your studio (virtually) to engage, discuss your processes, challenges and progress)
- 5th September: Deadline for Submission of final works by all participants
- 1st week October: Online exhibition opens
- Please note that the selected applicants will be invited for an interview via zoom between 1st August and 10th August
Payment of fees:
- The first half of the allocated fees will be disbursed as soon as you are selected.
- The other half will be paid at the end of the exhibition.
- Please note that you will be contacted individually for your account details for the transfer of your fees.
Mode of Application:
Interested persons should fill the form below
Required Documents:
- Project proposal (including project description, material, medium, duration or size and mode of presentation max 300 words)
- A short bio (not more 300 words)
- 5 to 10 images of previous works (must be uploaded to a google drive folder)
- 1 to 2 videos links (optional)
Write a comment
Celestine Agropah (Monday, 09 August 2021 08:59)
Great Initiative.