
crazinisT artisT studiO Scholarship and Temporal Relocation

The crazinisT artisT studiO Scholarship: Temporal Relocation Program offers comprehensive support to uplift and empower marginalized young individuals, including queer persons, women, and other underprivileged groups. Through financial aid, shelter, mentorship, educational advancement, and skills training, the program fosters personal growth and professional development. It aims to empower awardees to overcome societal barriers and achieve their full potential as a foundation for a brighter future.


Each year, a maximum of three mentees are selected through a rigorous process that prioritizes commitment, vision, acute risk and willingness to stay at TTO for the program duration.


This program is self-funded from Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi's dedicated tithe, as a way of giving back to her community.


Application Process

Interested individuals should review the terms and conditions before completing the application form below. We do not accept application submissions outside of the FORM.


No Deadline

While there's no set deadline, the number of applicants accepted annually is limited to maximum three (3).



If you require assistance completing this form, please seek help from someone who can read and assist you. In extreme cases, you may contact us via WhatsApp, email, or phone, or visit the TTO || pIAR.


Award Duration:

Minimum: 6 months

Maximum: 4 years (exceptions for specific programs requiring longer duration)


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Age: 16-28 years old
  • Priority: Women, transgender individuals, and queer individuals lacking family support (financial, emotional, or shelter) for education, trade learning, or skill-based apprenticeships.
  • Applicants must be willing to undertake educational courses, apprenticeships, or skills training to enhance personal and professional development.


Prepare all documents before filling the form; the application processes CAN NOT be saved for later completion.


Copy and paste the following documents into the appropriate text boxes provided in the form:

  • BIO: Tell Us About Yourself
  • Resume/CV:
    • Share a brief overview of your background and experiences.
    • Provide details about your education, work history, and skillset.
  • Purpose: Why You're Applying for this program? 
    • Explain your motivation for seeking our support and how you envision our assistance contributing to your goals.

CONFIRMATION- You should see this pop up as soon as your application has been successfully submitted: "Success! Your form was sent. TTO-S-TRP Team will contact you in the next few days. If in 60 days you do not receive any email from us, please do follow up via email: piarvirtualstudio@gmail.com"


Do you have any difficulties in filling  form

If you encounter any difficulties in filling the application form, please send emails to piarvirtualstudio@gmail.com to book appoint for help.


Applicants shall be invited for online interview (ZOOM VIDEO CALL) within the first 6 weeks after their application is received.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

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